88 Angie Rd | Sandy Hook, MS | 601-222-0090

About Us


Tracy and JoAnn Vince

13 Years in Operations

Established Southland Express, LLC in 2002

Who is Southland?

In 1991 I knew I wanted to work for myself.  I purchased my first truck and started learning the business.  I was soon able to obtain my second and third truck while I was still driving.  I continued this pattern until I purchased my sixth truck.  At this point I understood it was time to come off the road and manage the growing business.  In 2002 JoAnn and I formed Southland Express, LLC.  Even as we continue to grow I always want Southland to retain the small, family style business. When we speak to our customers we know their name and a lot about them as a person.  Building relationships with our clients ensures them that we will work hard to meet their needs as our customer. It has been a learning experience while growing Southland to its present size.  We know many more challenges still await us but as we work together, as a team, we can conquer whatever we face.

-Tracy Vince

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